Shucking Competition The persons performing this task professionally are called shuckers. Shucking is by no means a male privilege. There are countless female shuckers, some of them ranking among the world's best. What qualifies a really good shucker? It's certainly not just speed in terms of opening lots of oysters. What the oyster meat looks like after the shucker is done with his handiwork is equally important. Oysters consistently shucked poorly for half shell serving will translate into the restaurant or oyster bar losing customers. Likewise, the meats of oysters that are destined for the ultimate sale in jars and cans should ideally be undamaged after shucking, not chopped up by misguided knife blades. If oyster meats are damaged by careless opening, they end up as so called "cuts". Cuts are then sold at a considerably reduced price for various cooking purposes (like oyster stews). Bottom line: A fast shucker that turns out an excessive amount of damaged goods is not worth keeping, as he or she will cost the establishment money and/or customers. Nature and oystermen did not invest two to four years looking after oysters to then have them ruined in seconds by unskilled or impatient blade handlers. Likewise, a shucker that turns out perfectly shucked oysters, yet at a slow pace, is also not well suited for the commercial end of the business - at least not yet, as he or she may merely need more practice. Hence, highest speed and highest presentation quality possible is what oyster shucking championships are all about. The Oyster Festival a.k.a. Oysterfest In the United States and Canada there are frequently two kinds of shucking contests. One is referred to as speed shucking which aims to qualify the fastest shuckers of (undamaged) oyster meats. The other contest is called half-shell or presentation shucking. This is the international and somewhat more demanding form of shucking competition, as much can go wrong when trying to produce lots of perfect looking oysters on the half shell in a matter of a few minutes (damaged shells, shell splinters on the meat, cut meats, oyster liver damage, etc.). Finalists of the half shell competitions that are tied into the official national and international oyster shucking network have a shot at ultimately participating in the international shucking competition in Galway, Ireland. Who are these Shucking Stars? Let the Competition Begin!
The competition is over within minutes. Every shucker that has completed opening his or her oysters will raise the hands and step back from their tray of oysters. His or her assigned timekeeper is watching closely and will stop the clock in this exact instant. Meanwhile, other shuckers may still be very hard at work. The competition ends when the last shucker is done with his or her batch of oysters. Note: All the images may be clicked for enlargement. This shucking competition was held in Shelton, Washington, on a gloriously sunny October day. The majestic Olympic mountain range looms in the backdrop. The Judges The first guys and gals that finish their batch of oysters, raise their hands and step back from the plate, are usually showered with very complimentary cheers from the crowd. However, deep down these shuckers know that all that glory is but a fleeting moment, as it may fizzle into a dismal defeat once the judges take a good look at his or her accomplishment. The half shell judgment is particularly brutal. Overall, judges expect the plate of half shell oysters to look as close to perfection as possible, reminiscent of what one would expect to be served in a premier seafood establishment. Was the portion of the adductor muscle under the oyster meat also severed? No? Where the shucker forgot to do so, a few extra seconds per oyster are added to the shucker's time. Are there shell splinters on the oyster meat? Hopefully not, because if so, here's a few seconds more. Never got to shucking one or more of the oysters? That's real bad and adds 20 seconds per oyster (as in "don't bother waiting around for any prizes"). Did the shucker cut him- or herself while opening the oysters and get blood on the oysters? Very bad! He or she will receive lots of seconds for that big no no. How are the oyster arranged on the tray? Is it a mess or is it attractive? Looks like a mess? There go more seconds and so on. Bottom line: When the judges are done scrutinizing the oyster plates, the third or fourth shucker that originally raised his or her hands and stepped back may very well end up the winner of the competition. The Champion Although I'm not an expert on oyster competitions, I nonetheless tried to imagine what obstacles a regional champion might encounter in his or her quest for the national and international title. The first thing that struck me as somewhat of a handicap for a U.S. West Coast champion was the difference in oyster species. The West Coast champion is usually highly proficient with the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). This oyster species is the undisputed ruler of that side of the American continent. When the West Coast champ arrives in Maryland, he or she will be handling the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Although these two species are closely related, their look and feel is markedly different. There is no doubt in my mind that the West Coast champ will also do a great job on this species. I do, however, suspect that the transition may slow him or her a bit - and that "bit" is the few split seconds (or points) that can make or break the victory. The National Oyster Shucking Competition could be qualified as the National Eastern Oyster Shucking Competition, as it does not include the Pacific oyster which holds about 40% of national oyster market share. Let's say, the West Coast champ does emerge
as the American national shucking champion. He or she then gets
to participate in the international shucking contest in Galway,
Ireland. Since the Pacific oyster dominates the European oyster
industry with well over 90% of market share, it would seem logical
to expect this species as the oyster of choice for an opening
competition in that part of the world. However, it is not. Instead,
the noble European oyster (Ostrea edulis) has been made the oyster
of choice. If the Pacific and Eastern oyster seemed like "apples
and pears" to that West Coast shucker, that European oyster
will be like "apples and 1956 Chevy hubcaps". I'm guessing
that only a fraction of 1% of all the American and Canadian shuckers
have ever shucked a substantial quantity of European oysters.
Unlike in the United States, the half shell trade vastly dominates
European oyster consumption. Well over 90% of the oysters consumed
in Europe are slurped raw. A speedy American oyster meat shucker
would have trouble finding a job there. Hence, the Galway
International Oyster Opening Championship could more aptly
be called the International European Oyster Opening Championship.
Obviously, the international field of proficient oyster openers
was narrowed drastically by the species of choice - even
for European standards. Amazingly enough, one American, Cornelius Mackall in 1976, and one Canadian, Patrick McMurray in 2002, once did win the Galway contest. Cornelius Mackall can be considered the best American oyster shucker of all time. Besides the World Championship he won the American Championship three times. During the shucking nationals, the famous St. Mary's County National Oyster Cook-Off also takes place. For many years, the National Oyster Festival Cook-Off Committee has been publishing a little booklet which features some of the greatest oyster cooking recipes in the world - and more great ones pop up in every new issue. The 1985 issue, however, was extra special. All of page 2 was dedicated to an In Memoriam of Cornelius Mackall who regrettably had passed away at a rather young age. It notes that the National Oyster Festival Cook-Off Committee had been advised by the officials in Galway, Ireland, that " Cornelius was the best good-will ambassador that ever came to Ireland; he was a gentleman and had a wonderful sense of humor. He will be missed."
In 2004, this grand festival celebrated its 50th birthday. Back in the fall of 1953, Brian Collins, the manager of the Great Southern Hotel, looked around his establishment and found its occupancy sorely lacking. It also happened to be the beginning of the traditional oyster season, the "r-months". Ireland's cool and pristine coastal waters have always produced fabulous oysters. Many of today's European oyster connoisseurs consider Ireland grown oysters (both the Pacific and European type) the finest in the World. So Collins put two and two together and proceeded to pitch the idea of an oyster festival to local business leaders and the beer brewing giant Guinness. The first festival in 1954 was a great success and the event grew more popular with every subsequent year. In recent decades it has not been unusual to spot world famous celebrities in the oyster opening cheering section. After the mayor of Galway ceremoniously slurps down an oyster, a weekend of non-stop entertainment begins. Besides the shucking competition there is much good food to choose from (not just oysters), great entertainment by national and international top artists, and dancing - and lots of Guinness beer of course. Every year, some lucky gal is selected as the Galway Oyster Pearl, an honor which usually includes the gift of an expensive watch of some kind. The rules of the shucking competition (the Irish call it the "opening competition") are a tad different from the rules North American shuckers are accustomed to. For one, 30 oysters instead of 24 need to be shucked. The thirty oysters are presented to the shuckers in coded and sealed boxes. The code is part of a lottery system which randomly assigns the boxes to the shuckers. The shuckers each unseal their assigned boxes and make sure they contain 30 oysters. The presentation tray of each shucker (where the opened oysters will end up) is also assigned a code. Also, the oyster species to be shucked is the rather exclusive European oyster rather than the common Pacific and Eastern oyster. An American shucker may find his or her favorite oyster knife entirely unsuited for rapid shucking of these "Euros". Shucked oyster may be presented either in the cupped portion of the shell or the more flat shell half (formally called serving "on the flat", as described in the classic opening section). Once a shucker is done opening the oysters, he or she must ring a little bell (not raise the hands and step back as customary in American competition). Much like American competitions, the trays may not be touched after the shuckers indicate completion (doing so would result in disqualification). Transport of a completed tray to the judges by a shucker may be permitted at his or her own risk. This is not a minor point, as oysters can tip over during transport. The meat might then fall out of the shell and thus compromise the presentation value. Much like their American counterparts, the European judges expect perfection of the oyster on the half shell presentation in every way. An elaborate penalty point and bonus point system, combined with the shucking time, is used to ascertain the winner. The shucker with the lowest combined time and penalties emerges as the new world champion. Incidentally, the Galway International Oyster Festival is preceded by another large oyster festival in Galway County. The Clarenbridge International Oyster Festival celebrates the beginning of the oyster season and is usually held in the first part of September. It also features fantastic local (European) oysters and other wonderful food, great entertainment, and lots of Guinness. Galway (a.k.a. An Ghaillimh).
No Ordinary Port City Although the annual oyster festival is truly a spectacular event, this area has been a well known tourism "secret" all over Europe for a long time and for quite a number of reasons besides oysters. There's a seeminly endless list of exciting things to see and do. Here's just a little sprinkling: Galway and the surrounding area hold extreme historical significance in the history of northern Europe. The Irish writer James Hardiman (a.k.a. Seamus O hArgadain; ~1782 - 1855) once wrote: "With feelings of the deepest emotion, the attention of the reader will now be turned towards the state of affairs within this devoted and unhappy though once prosperous and flourishing town, whose inhabitants were the first in Ireland that took up arms in defense of their religion and king, and the last, either in Great Britain or Ireland, that laid them down." On the spectacular grounds of seven hundred
year old Ashford Castle, Ireland's first school of falconry gives
visitors the chance to handle and fly these birds of prey. Within
the splendid copper domed Galway Cathedral, visitors can view
remarkable examples of Irish workmanship in cut stone and wood
carving, as well as splendid murals. One might retrace some of
the footsteps of the famous Irish poet and writer William Butler
Yeats (1865-1939) by visiting Coole Park and looking up what
is left of the home of Lady Gregory which Yeats frequently visited.
Yeats is also buried in this area (right where he had wished
to be buried in his writings just a few months before his death).
The rugged coastline and Inset image: The mighty Cliffs of Moher in late August, 2006. Click image to enlarge. The Galway Race Course, situated about
four miles outside the city, hosts world class horse racing and
annually also sponsors several grand festivals of its own. Health advisory: There is a risk associated with consuming raw oysters or any raw animal protein. If you have chronic illness of the liver, stomach, or blood or have immune disorders, you are at greatest risk of illness from raw oysters and should eat oysters fully cooked. If you are unsure of your risk, you should consult your physician.
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